As author of this blog, all opinions and views are mine unless otherwise noted. This is a personal blog for the purpose of sharing my ideas, views and opinions about but not limited to my family history. What I write on my blog should not be taken as absolute truth or fact. Readers are welcome to leave comments on this blog. However, I am not responsible for any comment on this blog made by others. As owner of this blog, I have the right to edit, moderate and delete comments at my discretion.
As a reader of this blog, you agree not to hold me liable for libel for what I say or display. The content of this blog is the opinion of me. The content of this blog is not meant to discriminate against any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.
Should you, the reader, or anyone else decide to use any recommendations, techniques, tips or advice found on my blog, I am not be held responsible for any and all outcomes.