Announcing...the Canadian Genealogy Carnival.

I don't know about you, but I really enjoy blog carnivals. There are some really great ones I participate in and read on a regular basis. Jasia at Creative Gene is the host of the Carnival of Genealogy, which covers all sorts of topics related to family history. There is the Carnival of Central/Eastern European Genealogy hosted by Jessica's Genejournal, the Carnival of Irish Heritage and Culture by Smallest Leaf at Small-leaved Shamrock and Smile for the Camera at Shades of the Departed by footnoteMaven to name just a few more.
I thought to myself "hmmm, there isn't a carnival about Canadian genealogy. I'm Canadian. Why not try my hand at hosting a carnival about Canadian family history." Why not? I can't think of a good enough reason why I couldn't, shouldn't or wouldn't, so I'm going to. Host that is - a carnival about everything about Canadian family history.
So, without further delay, the topic for the 1st Edition of Canadian Genealogy Carnival is My Ancestor Was Canadian, Eh!
Introduce us to your Canadian ancestors. Who were they? How did they get here? Where did they live? Did they move? Do you still have family in Canada? Share with us a bit about your Canadian roots.
September 21st is the deadline for submissions. Use the carnival submission form to submit your blog article for the Canadian Genealogy Carnival. I hope to see you there, eh!