Fun Friday
I can hardly believe it's late Friday night already - this week has zooooomed by! So, what could be more fun than spreading a little love?
Last week when I was reading my fellow genea-blogger (and cousin) Thomas MacEntee's blog Destination: Austin Family, I was pleasantly surprised to find he had tagged me with the "I Heart Your Blog" award. Love, love me do!
I am truly humbled Thomas. Thanks! You know I love you...well your blog. I read it every day!
As with most awards, there are rules attached to this one too.
Here they are:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog
2. Link to the person who gave you the award (that would be LOOKING4ANCESTORS)
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links to those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you’ve nominated.
These are the blogs that I Heart (love) and read on a regular basis. Some of them have already received this award from other bloggers. But, hey, you can never have too much love. I heart them too!
Kitchen Retro What I love about Lidian's blog is that she can make me laugh everyday without fail. Great takes on old advertisements.
Kitchen Retro What I love about Lidian's blog is that she can make me laugh everyday without fail. Great takes on old advertisements.
The Virtual Dime Museum This is another of Lidian's blogs. I love this blog because the posts are entertaining, interesting and well researched.
Elyse's Genealogy Blog Elyse is a younger generation genea-blogger, and I love that! I find her blog very refreshing.
Heritage Happens Msteri's blog is relatively new on the genea-blogger scene, but so far I have really liked what I have read. I am looking forward to reading more.
History Undressed I absolutely love this history blog. Eliza Knight does great, in-depth research for her posts. I learn so much about social history here.
International Metropolis Andrew is bold and brassy. He doesn't care a flying fig about what you think about him and what he has to say about our fair city. I love Andrew's blog because he keeps me posted on what is going on here in Windsor.
Advice on Social Media and Online Marketing by Ari Herzog I love Ari's blog because he keeps me informed on the techy social networking stuff that I need to know about but don't have time to find out about on my own.
I hope you will take a few minutes and check out these blogs. You may learn to heart them too.