Sunday, December 14, 2008

Autumn: My Favourite Season of the Year

Miriam at AnceStories2:Stories of Me for My Descendants has a posted a journaling prompt to encourage us to write about ourselves for our descendants. This time around it is Week Forty-one: Fall

*How do you feel about fall? Is it a favorite season, or do you prefer another?
I love fall. I love the colours of the leaves. I love the crisp morning air. This is my favourite season of all. I think God treats us to a special art show each autumn with the spectacular array of colours found in nature.

*What are your favorite fall activities (indoor or out)?
I especially like taking my dog for walks in the autumn. It is much cooler for both of us. I find the cool morning air quite invigorating.

*What are your favorite fall sports (to watch or play)?
I don't really have a favourite fall sport. So, by default, I'd have to say football. I live in a house full of guys. Fall = football in our house!

*Do you have any particular household or garden chores that you regularly do just in autumn?
I can't really think of anything in particular. Hubby does most of the yard work - raking leaves, trimming the bushes.

*Have you ever gone leaf peeping?
My leaf peeping takes place each morning as I drive my kids to school. There is a particular maple tree I eagerly watch each year. If the weather conditions are just right, the leaves turn a brilliant, fiery shade of red. It is a feast for the eyes. I was not disappointed this year!

*What observances of nature do you regularly watch (birds flying south, squirrels preparing for winter, etc.)?
Canada Geese are always flying over our house in the fall. Often you can hear them coming as they "honk" to one another. Squirrels, squirrels, squirrels. They are everywhere as they scurry to collect their nuts for winter. Dodging squirrels is a regular fall activity for drivers here. There is more road kill in October than at any other time of year. My dog enjoys chasing the squirrels as they scamper along the top of the fence.

*What flowers that bloom during this season do you especially like?
I love sunflowers! Mums are nice too. I usually buy a few pots of them to put out on the porch.

*Do you visit any orchards, pumpkin patches, or corn mazes?
Almost every year since my children have started school, I have gone a field trip with their class to the apple orchard. Unfortunately, this is our last year, as the class my son will be in next year doesn't do the apple orchard field trip. I will miss it as it was my favourite field trip with the kids. At the orchard there is a big hay loft for the kids to play in. We all get a ride on the big wagon pulled by the tractor as it takes out to the orchard. Everyone gets to pick their own bag of apples to take home. It's so much fun!

*What about the local fair?
Most of the local fairs in Essex County are in the summer.

*Do you do any kind of harvesting or food preparation (canning, drying, smoking)?
I like the idea of canning foods. I just don't know how. My mom used to can pickles, relishes, and tomato sauce.

*What about hunting?
I don't hunt. My dad goes moose hunting every year.

*Do you do any kind of fall traveling, other than holiday travels?
My husband and I used to travel to Stratford, Ontario for a week-end in late September or early October. We haven't done that in the last few years. Hmmm...might have to make plans for next year.

*Which is your favorite fall holiday, and why (Hallowe'en, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, or others)?
American Thanksgiving. You thought I was going to say Canadian Thanksgiving? Well, I do like Canadian Thanksgiving, but sometimes, it can be quite warm here in early October, so I just doesn't feel the same. By the time American Thanksgiving comes, the weather is cooler (sometimes cold!), and there's just this particular feeling about it all. Part of my family is American as well. We eat a lot of turkey this time of year.

*What are your favorite fresh foods that are in season at this time? Favorite fall recipes or beverages?
Pumpkins! I love pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins. I don't like squash - acorn, or all those other ones - ugh! However, you just can't beat a cup of hot apple cider on a crisp autumn day.

*Share favorite memories of fall from your childhood.
Playing in the leaves in the forest at school. We lived in a new subdivision, so the trees were all quite young and there were not many leaves to play with at home. However, there was a small wooded area at our school with lots of trees and lots of leaves! We would have fun collecting acorns, throwing leaves in the air and, of course, making big piles of leaves to jump in.

*What do you least like about this season?
The busyness! All of our regular activities start up in the fall making it a very busy time. I wish there was a bit more time to slow down and enjoy this season. The other thing I don't like is that toward the end of November it can get pretty bleak, gray and yucky. Fortunately, Christmas is around the corner to brighten things up.

*What family birthdays, anniversaries, or events are commemorated in the fall?
We celebrate quite a few birthdays in the fall: my brother's, my dad's, my step-dad's and my son's. Oh yeah, my in-laws have their wedding anniversary too.

*Do you have any hobbies that you take up during the fall months?
Usually, I start scrapbooking again as the weather turns cooler.

One of the other things I love about autumn is the clothing. I get to wear my favourite red barn coat, warm sweaters in shades of brown, red and green. And boots! No, not winter boots; leather boots that look great with jeans!

Autumn is almost at a close here for another year. Just a few more days left. And, although it is my favourite season of the year, I find each season offers something to look forward to.