Monday, August 5, 2013

Amanuesis Monday: Memorialist Petition of Samuel Ryckman, 1816, Part 1

This petition of Samuel Ryckman of Barton Township, Gore District, Upper Canada provides evidence his father, John Ryckman was a Loyalist during the American Revolutionary War.

"Upper Canada Land Petitions," online database and digital images. Library and Archives Canada ( : accessed 1 Jun 2010), RG 1 L3, microfilm reel C-2742, entry for Samuel Ryckman, Barton, 1816, Vol. 426A, R 10, petition 93.

To His Excellency Francis Gore Esquire —
Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper
Canada      X   X    X

                           In Councill
         The Memorial of Samuel Ryckman of the
Township of Barton.
                  Respectfully Showeth
That your Memorialist's Father the late John
Ryckman resided previous to the Rebellion, in
Schenectady in the late Province of New York in
the now United States of America. That he
Joined the Royal Standard under General Burgo
-yne in the year 1777 in the State of New York.
That during the war he was taken prisoner
and detained as such for a length of time
and that he came into the Province in the
Year 1794 and remained until his decease a
bout nine months after he arived, as well app
-ear to your Excellency by the annexed certificate
of Col. Bradt of the 5th Lincoln Militia.
         Wherin your Memorialist prays your
Excellency would be pleased to order the name
of his Father to be inserted on the UE. list
and your Memorialist is in duty bound
will ever pray.
                                    Samuel Ryckman [signed]

York 29th February 1816

Note: This is the first of three pages contained in this particular petition. Page two and its transcription will be posted next week.

If you would like to cite this post:
Kathryn Lake Hogan, PLCGS, "Amanuesis Monday: Memorialist Petition of Samuel Ryckman, 1816, Part 1," LOOKING4ANCESTORS blog, posted 5 Aug 2013 ( : accessed [access date]).

Please include a hyperlink to the specific article if you are citing this post in an online forum.

Copyright by Kathryn Lake Hogan, 2013.