Thursday, September 17, 2015

When a Canadian Rockstar Genealogist isn't Canadian

This week the results from John D. Reid's Rockstar Genealogists 2015 contest were revealed. I was thrilled to see many of my colleagues and friends recognized. These genealogists are deserving of their titles.

The original list of nominees can be found here.

The IrelandTop Five Genealogists are actually Irish.

Of the England, Scotland and Wales Top Ten Genealogists 2015 80% are actually English, Scottish or Welsh. Christine Woodcock of Canada is Scottish-Canadian. So we can say 90%. And, Dick Eastman is American.

The Australia/New Zealand Top Ten Genealogists 2015 are 60% Australian or New Zealander. 20% American (Thomas MacEntee and Judy Russell). 10% UK with Chris Paton. 10% Irish with Chris Goopy.

No doubt when the American Top Ten list is published on Friday it will contain 100% American genealogists.

The problem I have is with the Canada Top Ten Genealogists 2015. The top three aren't all Canadian. Thank goodness the #1 and #2 positions were Dave Obee and Christine Woodcock respectively, both Canadian genealogists. However #3 is Dick Eastman. He's American. A great guy and a knowledgeable genealogist. I've met Dick a number of time at various conferences. The problem is Dick is not Canadian and he doesn't blog or speak about Canadian topics. The #4 through #8 positions are American or UK genealogists. Fantastic genealogists all. I personally know most of them. #9 is Gail Dever of Genealogy a la Carte - a Canadian. #10 is Maurice Gleason of the UK.

30% of the Canada Top Ten are actually Canadian. 30%! Which means 70% aren't.  There is something wrong with that number. I think it's appalling that only 30% on that list are actually Canadian or speak/blog about Canadian family history. Something needs to be done about this!

Perhaps people didn't know the following nominees are Canadian:
Lesley Andersen
Ruth Burkholder
Alison Hare
Sherry Irvine
Paul Jones
Kathryn Lake Hogan
Jane MacNamara
Brenda Dougall Merriman
Janice Nickerson
Dianne Seal Nolin
Marion Press
Linda Reid
Lorine McGinnis Schulze
Gary Schroder
Louise St. Denis
James F. S. Thomson
Glenn Wright

That's 17 more Canadian genealogists. A total of 20 Canadian genealogists were nominated. Yet, only three - yes, 3 - got voted into the Canadian top 10.

It's time to get the word out that Canada has more than just 3 rockstar genealogists.

It's time for Canadian genealogists to not be so "Canadian" in letting the world know who we are and what we do.

It's time the Canadian top ten list actually names at least 70% Canadian genealogists.

It's time we are recognized.

Copyright by Kathryn Lake Hogan, 2015.