Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Canada: Land and Opportunity

This week on Genealogy with a Canadian Twist Weekly Webinar our guest presenter is Christine Woodcock, a genealogy educator, who specialises in Scottish genealogy. Every year, through her business, Genealogy Tours of Scotland, Christine travels home to Scotland where she shares her knowledge and opportunities with others to assist them in their quest to find their Scottish ancestors. She will be presenting Canada: Land and Opportunity.This is a not-to-miss presentation if you have Scottish ancestors who came to Canada. 

Follow Christine on Twitter and visit her website Genealogy Tours of Scotland.

Webinar Details

Canada, United States and Mexico
Thursday January 10
1:00 pm ET | 12:00 noon CT | 11:00 am MT | 10:00 am PT

United Kingdom
Thursday January 10
6:00 pm BST

Thursday January 10
7:00 pm CET

Australia and New Zealand
Friday January 11
2:00 am AWST | 4:00 am AEST | 5:00 am AEDT | 7:00 am NZDT

REGISTER HEREto save your spot for this week's webinar.

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