Genealogy with a Canadian Twist April Webinar We are putting our research skills to the test for this interactive webinar about The Case of the Jilted Jealous Boyfriend. A young married couple were attacked on their honeymoon by the bride's boyfriend, Billy Bennett, who had been jilted, and was insanely jealous. Our panelists will be joining us to discuss the case and help us find some answers about the people involved in this 1917 murder that took place near Ottawa, Ontario.
The PanelistsScottish born and Canadian raised, Christine Woodcock is a genealogy educator. Being a Scottish emigrant, she is fascinated by the stories of other emigrant groups who left their homeland for opportunities in Canada. Her interest is in helping their descendants understand more about their immigrant ancestors and the lives they lived.
Peggy Homans Chapman, B.Ed., MLIS, PLCGS has been an amateur genealogist, now professional, for over twenty years. She operates Atlantic Ancestors and is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) and many genealogical societies. Peggy particularly enjoys the education aspect of genealogy, both informal and formal and has presented on topics ranging from genetic genealogy to Canadian immigration.
Lianne Kruger is a professional genealogist and speaker specializing in Canada, homesteading for U.S. and Canada, video recording family history, and using technology in all aspects of genealogy such as Evernote, Google Maps, and Social Media. She is a member of the board and communication director for mitoYDNA.org. She is on the Ancestry.ca advisory board and is the webmaster, database and social media chair for Alberta Genealogical Society (AGS).
Upon registering for the webinar you will receive a confirmation email which will contain the link to access and download the case file and research questions.
Webinar Times The webinar will live on Tuesday, 6 April 2021 at: - 7:00 pm Eastern (Toronto, Canada)
- 6:00 pm Central (Winnipeg, Canada)
- 5:00 pm Mountain (Calgary, Canada)
- 4:00 pm Pacific (Vancouver, Canada)
which is 12 midnight, April 7 in London, UK, and 9:00 am, April 7 in Sydney.
Here's how to attend the webinar: - Register by clicking the link here: https://bit.ly/L4A-episode59reg
- You will receive a confirmation email containing a link to the webinar and the information about the case.
- Reminder emails are sent both 1 day and 1 hour prior to the live webinar.
- Calculate your time zone by clicking here.
- Check you have the latest Zoom update by clicking here.
- Click on the webinar link (found in confirmation and reminder emails) prior to the start of the webinar. Arrive early as the webinar attendance size is limited to the first 100 arrivals that day.
We look forward to you joining us!
Inspiration for this Genealogy with a Canadian Twist webinar is credited to Thomas MacEntee based on his Genealogy Escape Room webinar.
© Copyright by Kathryn Lake Hogan, 2021. All Rights Reserved.