Canadian Ports of Entry: Ship Passenger Lists and Immigration Records

Canadian Ports of Entry: Ship Passenger Lists and Immigration Records

Summary Details

Length: 60 minutes 

Summary: It can be frustrating when you can’t find your ancestor's name on a ship passenger list, an immigration record or a border crossing record. Using examples from the presenter’s family history, this session will explore why our ancestors may have come to Canada and demonstrate how to look for clues in other records to help narrow a time frame. Explore strategies for where to find and how to search ship passenger lists, immigration records, and border crossing records

Audience Level: Beginner -Expert

Requirements: Projection for computer on a large screen; internet connection

Content: 4-page PDF handout 

  • Before You Start: Things to Consider 
  • Clues in Other Records to help narrow a time frame 
  • Major Canadian Ports of Arrival on the East and West Coasts 
  • Ship Passenger Lists: before 1865 and after; where to find the records, how to research the records, and what information you can find. 
  • Immigration Records: the best places to find the records and what information they contain 
  • Border Crossing Records: why you should be using these records and the valuable information they contain 
  • Rejects and Undesirables 
  • I Can’t Find Them! – tips for when you get stuck

Book This Webinar NOW! 

Click HERE to have me present this webinar either through your group’s virtual meeting platform or my StreamYard platform. Includes 45-50 minutes of instruction plus 10-15 Q&A session, PDF handout and a limited time (one year) webinar recording.