Digging Up Scandals: Tracing Black Sheep Ancestors in Canadian Genealogy

Digging Up Scandals: Tracing Black Sheep Ancestors in Canadian Genealogy

Summary Details 

Length: 60 minutes 

Summary: Discover how to navigate the unique challenges and rewards of researching black sheep ancestors — those family members whose lives were marked by controversy, scandal, or crime. Using Canadian resources, attendees will learn strategies for uncovering records, interpreting data, and understanding the historical context of their ancestors' lives.

Audience Level: Beginner -Expert

Requirements: Projection for computer on a large screen; internet connection

Content: 4-page PDF handout 

  • Understanding Black Sheep Ancestors: criminal activity, social scandals, financial troubles, mental health struggles and institutionalization, political or religious dissent. 
  • Key Records for Black Sheep Research: court and prison, asylum and military records, newspapers. How to access prison records and patient files. 
  •  Strategies for interpreting records and understanding context 
  • Case Study: William Ryckman, the lost brother.
  • Case Study: Thomas Oldfield, a "lunatic dangerous to be at large."

Book This Webinar NOW! 

Click HERE to have me present this webinar either through your group’s virtual meeting platform or my StreamYard platform. Includes 45-50 minutes of instruction plus 10-15 Q&A session, PDF handout and a limited time (one year) webinar recording.