What's in Your Canadian Genealogy Toolbox?

What's in Your Canadian Genealogy Toolbox?

Summary Details 

Length: 60 minutes 

Summary: Explore the top websites to research your ancestors in Canada. Learn where to find the best online resources for Canadian and provincial record groups, history, newspapers, maps, photographs and more to help you fill your Canadian genealogy toolbox.

Audience Level: Beginner -Expert

Requirements: Projection for computer on a large screen; internet connection

Content: 4-page PDF handout 

  • FamilySearch Wiki 
  • Library and Archives Canada 
  • Provincial Archives
  • Local Archives
  • Canadiana
  • Veteran’s Affairs Canada
  • UELAC – United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada Loyalist Directory
  • WikiTree
  • Our Digital World
  • Ontario Locator
  • Peel’s Prairie Provinces
  • And more!

Book This Webinar NOW! 

Click HERE to have me present this webinar either through your group’s virtual meeting platform or my StreamYard platform. Includes 45-50 minutes of instruction plus 10-15 Q&A session, PDF handout and a limited time (one year) webinar recording.